John 3:16 Ministries Spiritual Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

Last Updated: February 1, 2023

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the average number of illicit drug users in Arkansas lies around 185, and most of these are above 12 years old. Additionally, it was also reported that these individuals smoke marijuana once a month. Aside from these substances, alcohol and tobacco addiction and dependency are also prevalent. What results from these are mental health disorders such as depression and suicidal thoughts.

The question is, can John 3:16 Arkansas, a Christian rehab for men, offer support to the community?

John 3:16 Ministries: An Overview

Founded in 2014, John 3:16 Ministries is for men who are battling drug or alcohol addiction. These individuals can enroll in the John 3:16 Ministry’s spiritual boot camp. The program will improve clients’ mental, physical, and spiritual health and give them the skills they need to rejoin society as productive members. This long-term treatment facility offers free drug rehab services to men over the age of 21. Moreover, John 3:16 Ministries assists Charlotte, Arkansas, in addressing local addiction. Because this institution only treats guys, it may assist addicts who, in particular, battle and suffer from the kinds of challenges and issues that only men would experience in their addiction and drug misuse life.

This Christian rehab for men uses an extremely helpful and advantageous method of treating addiction. Regarding addiction treatment, the facility is quite successful and can provide a high level of comfort to people who need it the most. The John 3:16 Ministries program offers addicts a wholly spiritual and religious approach to addiction treatment that is beneficial in a variety of ways. This rehabilitation facility offers comprehensive long-term therapy that is all-inclusive and all-enveloping. Although the program is Christian-based, clients can still receive assistance and support from it regardless of their religious affiliation.

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Housing and Food at John 3:16 Rehab

This facility is free for all men battling substance use addiction. This means that throughout their stay, they do not have to spend a single penny for the accommodation they are using. However, there are still some clients who are generous enough to donate some of their funds for the improvement of the facility.

To get enrolled at John 3:16 Rehab, the following items should be brought to the rehab:

  • Bible
  • Towels, washcloths, laundry basket, and laundry detergent
  • Linens (Twin sheets, pillows, twin mattress covers)
  • Daily and casual clothes
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Shower shoes
  • Personal cash that is enough for at least one month
  • Pictures from home
  • Alarm clock
  • Medications
  • Backpack

Furthermore, the rooms at John 3:16 Rehab are all semi-private. Housekeepers do not maintain these rooms. Thus, the clients should be responsible for maintaining cleanliness on campus. Inside the campus are day rooms, spacious living rooms, and a dining area. The meals are prepared by the clients.

Treatment Options at John 3:16 Ministries

This facility is purely residential, and clients stay in the facility for 6 months to 1 year. Some of the substances treated here are alcohol and drugs. Take note that this boot camp or Christian rehab for men is not available for treating tobacco dependence. In fact, men who are smokers are encouraged to bring their tobacco packs during their stay.

Therapies at John 3:16 Ministry

The therapeutic modalities being followed in this Christian Rehab for men are the following:

  • Individual Therapy
  • Group Therapy

Take note that there is no family therapy in this rehab. However, after 28 days of stay, clients can receive visits from family every Sunday. Also, since this is a Christian rehab, therapies are faith-based. Examples are the following:

  • Bible study
  • Meetings with pastors, priests, or chaplains
  • Daily prayer, worship services, and journaling
  • Meditation

The worship services usually happen every Sunday, and alumni are always welcome to join the present residents.

John 3:16 Ministry Payment Options

John 3:16 Arkansas is totally free for men. Churches, private donations, and benefits pay for operations.

John 3:16 Rehab Licenses and Accreditations

This facility is not an accredited drug treatment facility.

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John 3:16 Arkansas Advantages and Amenities

The first advantage clients get from this facility is that it is free. Just imagine how great it is to undergo recovery without having to spend a huge amount of money. Truly helpful, right?

Aside from this, this Christian rehab for men also offers many amenities, such as the following:

  • Multipurpose Building and Amphitheater
  • Body and Mechanic Shops
  • Faith Houses
  • Sauna
  • Prayer House
  • Fitness Center
  • Lodging
  • Kid’s Corner/Area

There is also housing for instructors. This means that volunteers who wish to help men with SUD can reside on the campus for free.

Staff at John 3:16 Ministries

Instructors are the ones who provide counseling and assistance to clients at John 3:16 Arkansas. There is also an admin team who assists in the admission.

Jason Thomas

Jason Thomas has been an instructor at the facility since 2018. He believes that Jesus can provide peace and can renew even sinners. Just like how Jesus saved him, he wants to help others as well.

Mark McLean

Mark McLean has also been one of the instructors since 2018. As an instructor, his goal is to testify to the truthfulness of the Bible. He wants others to know that there is always a chance for change.

Brent Waugh

Brent Waugh has been on the team since 2017. He believes that being an instructor is one of the best chances that has been provided to him. He gained knowledge on how to guide others in the right route as well as how to give back to the community that gave him life.

Page Sources

  1. Arkansas (AR). (2014.). CBHSQ Data.

Published on: December 26th, 2022

Updated on: February 1st, 2023


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