Crystal Meth: Definition, History, and Side Effects

Last Updated: January 6, 2025

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Crystal meth is the form of methamphetamine and is also called crystal methamphetamine. Crystal meth is an illicit synthetic drug that affects the central nervous system. Individuals use crystal meth to increase their attention span, stay awake and perform their tasks without feeling sleepy. Methamphetamine is used for treating obesity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHA), according to research titled โ€œMethamphetamineโ€ published in 2024 by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. The street names for crystal meth are speed, chalk, ice, crank, Christmas tree, meth, and glass. Crystal meth releases a huge amount of dopamine that produces feelings of euphoria and enhances energy levels. Crystal meth has a high risk of dependency because it increases the feelings of joy that encourage individuals to use it repeatedly.

The side effects of crystal meth are physical and psychological which include fast breathing, chest pain, weight loss, anxiety, depression, mood swings, paranoia, muscle tension, and memory loss. These side effects are problematic and lead to life-threatening situations.

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What is Crystal Meth?

Crystal meth is an addictive synthetic stimulant that affects the central nervous system and increases the level of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine) in the brain, as shown in research titled โ€œCrystal methamphetamine and its effects on mental and oral health: A narrative reviewโ€ published in 2024 by the National Library of Medicine. These neurotransmitters affect the mood, sleep cycle, and appetite of individuals. Crystal meth is an illegal man-made drug that is an odorless, colorless, and solid form of methamphetamine. It comes in shiny bluish-white crystal or rock shape and is used in clubs. Individuals smoke, snort, or inject crystal meth. Crystal meth has a long-lasting and serious psychological side-effect compared to other forms of methamphetamine because of its high purity level. Crystal meth is classified as a Schedule II drug which means that it has a high potency for abuse and leads to psychological and physical dependency.

What are the Street Names of Crystal Meth?

The street names for crystal meth are speed, uppers, meth, crystal meth, chalk, ice, glass, Christmas tree, and crank.

The 9 street names for crystal meth are listed below:

  • Speed: Speed is the form of crystal meth which comes in pills. Speed enhances feelings of happiness and pleasure within 20 minutes after use and stays in the body for 30-75 hours.
  • Uppers: โ€œUppersโ€ is another name for crystal because of its addictive nature. Crystal meth releases dopamine in the brain that increases energy levels, alertness, and sharpness in individuals which is why it is also called upper.
  • Meth: Meth comes in pills or powder form and is also called methamphetamine and individuals smoke, snort, or inject it.
  • Crystal Meth: Crystal meth is in the form of a shiny bluish-white crystal or rock. Individuals smoke crystal meth through a glass pipe, but also inhale orally, swallow, or inject intravenously.
  • Chalk: The powder form of crystal meth is called chalk and has stronger side effects on individuals than meth.
  • Ice: Ice is the pure form of crystal meth which is also known as tina. Ice side effects last for almost 24 hours and it is considered more addictive than other types of crystal meth.
  • Glass: Crystal meth is available in chunks that are referred to as glass.
  • Christmas tree: Crystal meth is called Christmas tree because of its appearance and green texture.
  • Crank: The less pure version of crystal meth is called crank which is available in powder and solid form.
  • Base: Base is an oily substance and is less harmful than speed. Individuals consume base, a form of crystal meth, through injection or swallowing.

What is the History of Meth?

The history of meth dates back to the late 19th and early 20th century. Methamphetamine was synthesized from a derivative of ephedrine by a Japanese chemist, Nagai Nagayoshi, in 1893, as shown in research titled โ€œNeurotoxicity of methamphetamine: Main effects and mechanismsโ€ published in 2021 by ScienceDirect. Crystal meth became more prominent during the world war II. Crystal meth was used to overcome fatigue, flue, cough, and increased attention span during the battles. It was also used to enhance the endurance level of soldiers on both sides. Crystal meth became available in the civilian market after the war as a medicine for weight loss, attention disorders, and depression between 1950 and 1960. Crystal meth was considered a major health concern in Mexico and the US soon after the 1970s due to its highly addictive nature, according to the article titled โ€œWhen Was Crystal Meth First Inventedโ€ published in 2023 by Addiction Expert.

How Does Crystal Meth Work?

Crystal meth works by entering the bloodstream and releasing massive amounts of neurotransmitters in the brain that affects the activities of the CNS. Crystal meth releases a large amount of dopamine that increases happiness, and pleasure in individuals which encourages them to use it repeatedly. Crystal meth also affects the production of serotonin and norepinephrine which increases the attention span, alertness, and physical activities and also affects mood. The repeated use of crystal meth damages the neurotransmitter receptors, and individuals are unable to feel pleasure without drugs. The liver helps in the metabolism of crystal meth in the blood and eliminates it through urine within 24 – 48 hours.

How is Crystal Meth Consumed?

Crystal meth is consumed in the forms of smoking, snorting, injecting, swallowing, booty bumping, and hot railing.

The 6 forms of crystal meth are listed below:

  • Smoking: Individuals smoke crystal meth throw a glass pipe which enters the bloodstream quickly and shows an immediate reaction by activating the neuro-receptors in the brain. Smoking increases the risk of drug overdose and other health problems like rotting teeth, respiratory damage, and tooth decay.
  • Injecting: Water-dissolved crystal meth is injected into the blood through a syringe. Injecting crystal meth increases the risk of hepatitis B, C, and HIV from needle sharing.
  • Swallowing: Individuals orally ingest the pills or capsules of crystal meth which are absorbed in the blood slowly. The risk of drug dependency is high because of its slow action rate.
  • Booty bumping: Individuals dissolve crystal meth in liquid and then inject it into the rectum through the anus using syringes. It produces feelings of pleasure faster than swallowing but slower than smoking. Booty bumping increases the risk of infections and rectal damage.
  • Snorting: Individuals inhale crystal meth through the nose with the help of rolled paper, or straw. The powder form of meth enters the blood through the nasal mucosa. It takes a few minutes to produce feelings of pleasure, joy, and happiness.
  • Hot railing: Crystal meth is heated in a glass pipe and the vapor is inhaled with the help of the nose. The hot railing is the combination of snorting and smoking which gives the fastest result but increases the chances of nasal and respiratory damage.

What are the Side Effects of Crystal Meth Use?

The side effects of crystal meth use are fast breathing or racing heart, chest pain, dry mouth, muscle tension, increase in body temperature, serious weight loss, anxiety, depression or other mood changes, confusion or trouble focusing, memory loss, and paranoia.

The 10 side effects of crystal meth are listed below:

  • Fast breathing or racing heart: Fast breathing and racing heart are the physical side effects of crystal meth that stimulate the CNS and increase the level of the neurotransmitters in the brain which results in fast breathing and increased heart rate. Fast breathing increases the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and cardiovascular problems.
  • Chest pain: Chest pain is the physical side effect of crystal meth because of a decrease in blood flow. Individuals experience severe chest pain because of increased cardiovascular activities due to the release of dopamine in the body for a long time.
  • Paranoia: Crystal also causes psychosis which leads to hallucinations and delusions in individuals with a continuous drug overdose, as shown in research titled โ€œChronic Methamphetamine and Psychosis Pathwaysโ€ published in 2022 by SpringerNature Link. Paranoia is the psychological side effect of crystal meth.
  • Dry mouth: Dry mouth is the physical side effect of crystal meth which occurs due to less saliva production in the mouth. Continuous use of crystal meth increases the risk of tooth decay and gum problem that is called meth mouth.
  • Muscle tension: Muscle tension is the physical side effect of crystal meth. Crystal meth increases alertness and muscle activities which leads to cramping and tightness of muscles.
  • Increased body temperature: Increased body temperature is also called hyperthermia which is the physical side effect of crystal meth. Excess release of dopamine increases the risk of hyperthermia which leads to heatstroke, and organ damage, according to research titled โ€œCurrent Research on Methamphetamine: Epidemiology, Medical and Psychiatric Effects, Treatment, and Harm Reduction Effortsโ€ published in 2014 by the National Library of Medicine.
  • Weight loss: Weight loss is the physical side effect that suppresses the appetite and increases the energy level in the body which leads to serious weight loss. Women are at higher risk of losing weight because of drug overuse, as shown in research titled โ€œThe burden and management of crystal meth useโ€ published in 2008 by the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
  • Anxiety, depression, or mood changes: Depression, anxiety, and mood swings are the psychological side effects of crystal meth. Crystal meth stimulates the receptors in the brain that produce intense feelings of pleasure, happiness, and joy within a few minutes. The sudden change in mood occurs when these effects wear off, the withdrawal symptoms appear such as anxiety, mood swings, emotional instability, and depression.
  • Confusion and trouble focusing: Confusion and trouble focusing are the psychological side effects that occur because of damage in the brain part called the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus. These parts control the attention, learning, decision-making skills, and memory of individuals. Overdose of crystal meth affects the cognitive functioning of individuals which leads to disorientation, confusion, and trouble focusing, as mentioned in research titled โ€œIs Cognitive Functioning Impaired in Methamphetamine Users? A Critical Reviewโ€ published in 2011 by PubMed Central.
  • Memory loss: Memory loss is a serious psychological side effect of continuous use of crystal meth which results in damage to the brain part called the frontal cortex that is responsible for learning and memory. Crystal meth switches the neurotransmitters from glutamate to GABA neurons which affects the brain activity.

How Does Crystal Meth Affect the Brain?

Crystal meth affects the brain by producing a huge amount of neurotransmitters called dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine and then blocks the reuptake of neurotransmitters. Dopamine is responsible for reward, alertness, motivation, and pleasure, the sudden releases enhance the feelings in individuals but continuous use affects the central nervous system and dopamine receptors. It reduces the brain’s ability to experience these emotions naturally which leads to substance use disorder. Excess release of serotonin and norepinephrine causes anxiety, depression, mood swings, memory loss, and reduced cognitive functioning. Individuals using crystal meth regularly are at higher risk of meth-induced psychosis, as shown in the research titled โ€œChronic Methamphetamine and Psychosis Pathwaysโ€ published in 2022 by SpringerNature.

What is Crystal Meth Addiction?

Crystal meth addiction is the psychological and physical dependency on the drug because of its addictive nature. Crystal meth activates the neurotransmitters in the brain that increase the feelings of happiness, pleasure, motivation, alertness, and attention span which motivates individuals to misuse crystal meth. The repeated use of crystal meth affects the CNS and increases the risk of crystal meth addiction. Crystal meth is the second most used illicit drug in the world, according to research titled โ€œCurrent Research on Methamphetamine: Epidemiology, Medical and Psychiatric Effects, Treatment, and Harm Reduction Effortsโ€ published in 2014 by PubMed Central. Crystal meth is a strong drug even a small dose of meth leads to dependency.

Why is crystal meth dangerous?

Crystal meth is dangerous because it is an addictive drug that affects the CNS and causes severe physical and psychological side effects. These side effects include anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, heart problems, stroke, organ damage, and respiratory issues. The use of crystal meth also increases the risk of HIV and hepatitis B, or C. Long-term use can cause psychosis, hallucinations, and paranoia. Overdose of crystal meth leads to malnutrition, gum problems, and tooth decay.

What is meth made of?

Meth is made from a combination of pseudoephedrine and ephedrine, which are used in cold, allergic, and cough medicine. Other chemicals include lithium, iodine, hydrochloric acid, and phenyl-2-propanone (P2P). These chemicals are cooked for almost 48 hours to get the proper form of crystal meth. Cooking these chemicals is dangerous and the chance of explosion is high.

Is meth illegal?

Yes, meth is an illegal drug in the US. It has been declared illegal since the 1970s because of its negative effects on the central nervous system. Meth is classified as a Schedule II controlled substance, meaning it has a high potential for abuse and limited medical use. The manufacture, production, and distribution of meth are punishable by law and result in severe penalties, including imprisonment.

What does meth do to you?

Meth produces feelings of euphoria, increases energy and alertness, and increases focus, concentration, and libido. Overdose of meth leads to negative effects, including anxiety, paranoia, and aggression. The repeated use of crystal meth damages the neurotransmitter receptors, and individuals are unable to feel pleasure without drugs. Long-term use can cause significant physical and psychological problems, including addiction, psychosis, and cognitive impairment.

What is meth mouth?

Meth mouth refers to the dental problems caused by the use of methamphetamine. Meth mouth is characterized by tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth loss. Meth use reduces saliva production which leads to dry mouth, making teeth more susceptible to decay. Meth users neglect oral hygiene that grinds or clench their teeth, causing severe damage.

What is meth withdrawal?

Meth withdrawal occurs when the effects of the meth wears off after prolonged use. Depression, anxiety, fatigue, cravings, and insomnia are the meth withdrawal symptoms. Meth withdrawal also causes intense irritability and restlessness. The withdrawal symptoms are at peak for 2 to 3 days and last up to a week, according to research titled โ€œMethamphetamineโ€ published by the National Institute on Drug Abuse.

What does crystallized methamphetamine mean?

Crystallized methamphetamine means a pure and solid form of meth that appears as a bluish-white crystal or solid. Crystallized methamphetamine is also called ice, glass, or crystal meth. It is stronger than other methamphetamines and has long-lasting effects.

What is g in meth?

G in meth refers to a gram unit of drug and is also used as a street name for meth. G means that it is sold in small quantities, the price of g depends on the quality and purity of the drug.

What is meth addiction?

Meth Addiction is the chronic use of crystal meth for a prolonged time which leads to psychological and physical dependency. Meth strongly affects the activities of the brain and makes individuals completely dependent on drugs. Meth Addiction leads to irreversible brain, body, and organ damage.

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Published on: October 1st, 2015

Updated on: January 6th, 2025


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