Does Buspirone Affect Libido? Buspirone Side Effects Sexually

Last Updated: July 23, 2024

David Levin Reviewed by David Levin
0 sources cited

Sexual dysfunction is a common problem for patients taking antidepressants, with the highest prevalence rates under selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) treatment. It has also been linked to typical or traditional antipsychotics, with 60% of patients experiencing sexual impairment.

However, this scenario appears to be the opposite for Buspirone, a medication approved for the treatment of anxiety disorders, as well as for the short-term relief of anxiety. Unlike other medicines for anxiety treatment, buspirone has a lower risk of causing adverse sexual side effects.

In this article, we will explore how buspirone may affect sex drive. Keep reading to learn about how buspirone may influence your sexual health and what you can expect from this medication.

BuSpar Overview

While we refer to โ€œBuSparโ€ in some sections of this article, itโ€™s important to know that this specific brand is no longer on the market.

Buspirone, commonly known by the brand name BuSpar, is an FDA-approved anxiolytic medication primarily used to treat generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Initially developed as an antipsychotic, buspirone was found to be ineffective for treating psychosis but showed significant anxiolytic properties. In recent years, it has gained preference due to its reduced side-effect profile and lower risk of dependence when compared to benzodiazepines.

BuSpar most important uses include the following:

  • Approved for managing anxiety disorders and short-term relief of anxiety symptoms.
  • Often used as a second-line treatment when SSRIs are ineffective or not tolerated.
  • Used off-label to reduce SSRI-induced sexual side effects.

Although buspirone mechanism action is still poorly understood, it is believed to exert its effects through interactions with dopamine and serotonin receptors. It is available as an oral tablet and typically prescribed in doses between 15 and 60mg daily.

Buspirone has shown potential benefits for other neurological and psychiatric disorders, such as alleviating side effects of Parkinson’s disease therapy, symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease, behavioral disturbances following brain injury and attention deficit disorders.

Does Buspirone Affect Sex Drive?

In general, sexual excitation is hypothetically mediated by neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, oxytocin, and melanocortins.

In contrast, sexual inhibition is mediated by other neurotransmitters: serotonin, opioids, and endocannabinoids. When these pathways are disrupted by medication or psychiatric conditions, individuals can experience sexual dysfunction. Improving the underlying condition or introducing medications like buspirone can help alleviate sexual dysfunction.

Yet, itโ€™s important to note that buspirone isnโ€™t a โ€œsex pill,โ€ and any effects on sexual function are secondary to its primary use as an anxiolytic. Buspirone sexual side effects are part of the medication’s profile for its approved use rather than its main therapeutic goal.

Buspar Sex Drive

Evidence suggests that buspirone can improve sexual desire both in depressed patients treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and in patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).

For instance, in the case of SSRI treatment, 58% of patients in the buspirone group reported improvement in sexual dysfunction. The authors suggested that this effect was likely due to the antagonism of SSRI-induced sexual dysfunction rather than the augmentation of the antidepressant effect.

In the case of anxiety, after four weeks of treatment with buspirone, sexual function was normalized in 80% of patients with generalized anxiety disorder. This significant improvement highlights buspirone’s potential benefits beyond its primary role as an anxiolytic, offering a solution for patients experiencing sexual dysfunction due to other medications or anxiety conditions.

Sexual Side Effects of Buspirone in Women

The data on buspar side effects sexually in women is mixed and appears dose-dependent.

In studies comparing the effectiveness of buspirone (20 mg) versus bupropion or amantadine for hypoactive sexual desire, no significant differences were found. However, in another study, women receiving 20-60 mg of buspirone daily reported improvements in sexual dysfunction, with the BuSpar side effects in females more pronounced in higher doses.

Despite these findings, some women may still experience decreased sexual desire, difficulties reaching orgasm, or changes in arousal. These mixed results highlight the need for personalized medical advice and potential dosage adjustments.

Sexual Side Effects of Buspirone in Men

Buspirone has shown promising results for men with sexual dysfunction due to SSRIs.

In a study, men treated with fluoxetine, sertraline, or paroxetine who had reduced libido or delayed orgasm were given buspirone (15-60 mg/day). About 69% reported significant improvement. Those with less than 50% improvement were either on high doses of SSRIs or low doses of buspirone (15 mg daily).

Animal studies also support these findings. In male rats, buspirone reduced ejaculation latency, decreased the inter-copulatory interval, and shortened the post-ejaculatory period, though lower doses inhibited ejaculation. These results indicate that buspar for sex drive in men can be effective, especially when dosed correctly, to counteract SSRI-induced sexual side effects.

Does Buspar Cause Erectile Dysfunction?

No, BuSpar does not cause erectile dysfunction. In fact, buspirone can help improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction, mainly when caused by antidepressants like SSRIs and with the correct dosage.

According to the American Psychiatric Association, buspirone is effective in treating erectile dysfunction associated with SSRI treatment. When a man starts an SSRI and experiences erectile dysfunction, buspirone can be beneficial in mitigating these side effects.

Yet, remember that using buspirone for sex drive and for treating erectile dysfunction in people with depression is considered an off-label use and medical outcomes can vary across individuals.

Does Buspirone Cause Low Libido? Risk Factors

The efficacy of BuSpar effects on libido can depend on various risk factors. If you still experience low libido after taking buspirone, other underlying issues may need to be considered, including:

  • The type of antidepressant (particularly fluoxetine, sertraline, and paroxetine).
  • Higher doses of antidepressants and prolonged use increase the likelihood of sexual side effects.
  • Individual susceptibility due to genetic factors, underlying health conditions, and physical health
  • Concurrent medications for conditions like hypertension or diabetes can also impact libido.
  • Sexual dysfunction may be caused by smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and lack of exercise.

Managing sexual dysfunction on antidepressants or due to psychiatric conditions may involve adjusting medication, seeking psychological counseling or sex therapy, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Consulting with a healthcare provider is the cornerstone for finding a treatment based on your specific condition.

It is important to note that buspirone is not effective as an acute anxiety treatment, as its clinical effects typically take 2 to 4 weeks to become noticeable. Donโ€™t give up on your medication if you do not experience immediate relief. BuSpar for libido gradual onset of action requires patience and adherence to your prescribed treatment plan.

Buspar Sexual Side Effects โ€“ Bottom Line

Buspirone offers a promising alternative for those experiencing sexual dysfunction from medications like SSRIs. While it may take 2 to 4 weeks for the buspirone effect on libido to become noticeable, this medication may improve sexual function. However, individual responses vary, and some may still experience adverse sexual side effects.

Buspironeโ€™s effectiveness depends on dosage, treatment duration, and individual health. If low libido or other sexual side effects persist, consider underlying issues or treatment adjustments. If you’re facing challenges with your current medication, consult your healthcare provider to discuss the best approach tailored to your needs.

People Also Ask

Is Buspirone like Viagra?

No, buspirone is not like Viagra. Buspirone is FDA-approved for treating anxiety, while Viagra is FDA-approved for treating erectile dysfunction by increasing blood flow to the penis.

Does BuSpar affect sex drive?

Yes, buspirone can affect sex drive. It may improve sexual dysfunction caused by SSRIs, as it is sometimes used off-label for this purpose. Individual responses vary.

Does BuSpar help with premature ejaculation?

Buspirone is not FDA-approved for treating premature ejaculation, but some studies suggest it may help with sexual dysfunction, including aspects of ejaculation when used off-label.

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Page Sources

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  3. Determination that BUSPAR (Buspirone hydrochloride) tablets, 10 milligrams, 15 milligrams, and 30 milligrams, were not withdrawn from sale for reasons of safety or effectiveness. (2010, October 19). Federal Register.
  4. Wilson, T. K., & Tripp, J. (2023, January 17). Buspirone. StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf.
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  7. De La Hoz, F. J. E. (2018). Comparison of the effectiveness of bupropion versus buspirone in the treatment of hypoactive sexual desire in women, a randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Family & Community Medicine, 2(5).
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Retrieved on July 23, 2024.

Published on: July 10th, 2020

Updated on: July 23rd, 2024


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