Modafinil and Alcohol and Other Provigil Interactions

Last Updated: May 6, 2024

Roger Weiss Authored by Roger Weiss, MD
0 sources cited

Combining Modafinil and alcohol may lead to numerous reactions in the health of an individual. While this science may not be verified, more research still needs to be done to know the effects of taking Provigil with alcohol. This article will explain the reaction and effect of Modafinil and alcohol and other drug interactions.

Why Should Provigil and Alcohol Not Be Mixed?

Provigil is a drug created to help increase wakefulness in persons with symptoms of sleep disorders. Some of these disorders include; Narcolepsy, idiopathic hypersomnia, obstructive sleep apnea, excessive daytime sleepiness, and shift work disorder.

Mixing alcohol with Provigil can lead to different reactions ranging from blackouts to increased alcohol tolerance. A person may abuse Modafinil and alcohol by mixing them together. Although more research still needs to be conducted to know the effects of mixing the two substances.

Modafinil and alcohol are two different substances that have opposite effects on the brain’s chemistry. An individual who takes alcohol will experience an increase in the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA and a decrease in the activity of glutamate. The medicine is known as a GABA antagonist, which decreases the production of GABA and improves glutamate production.

The total effect of combining these substances is a tug of war between opposing neurotransmitters. While one helps in stimulating activity in a particular direction, alcohol addiction reduces brain activity in the opposite direction. The effects can be unpredictable on the health of an individual.

White Pills and Alcohol

Health Risks of Mixing Provigil and Alcohol

Compounds that may cause psychological effects most times fall somewhere on a spectrum between stimulant and depressant. The drug can be found on the stimulant side, while alcohol is on the depressant side. Both drugs have different withdrawal symptoms and adverse effects.

Here are the Side Effects of Mixing Modafinil and Alcohol:

  • It causes dehydration: Combining Modafinil and alcohol will lead to a reduction of water in the body. This happens because the human body makes use of water which may help metabolize and break them down. In addition, it increases water loss from the kidney and helps in the recovery of these compounds from the human body.
  • It can negatively affect liver function: The liver metabolizes almost all compounds that enter the human body. The liver is saddled with converting compounds with active and inactive metabolites and prepares them for excretion through the kidneys or digestive tracts.

The liver has a group of enzymes that perform specialized enzymes to accomplish what is known as the CYP450 isoenzymes. Every compound is metabolized by a single or more of these enzymes. The drug is broken down by some enzymes known as CYP3A4, while alcohol is metabolized by some CYP450 isoenzymes like CYP2E1. These compounds need lots of energy to be broken down in the liver, and when both substances are getting metabolized simultaneously, the liver will be burdened.

Although every individual cannot experience the same withdrawal symptoms, mixing both may lead to addiction as individuals eventually experience a heightened tolerance.

Don’t Take Provigil after Drinking

As a rule, one must not mix both substances. These are two distinct substances that have opposite effects on the brain. The overall result from combining both substances is likened to a tug of war between opposing neurotransmitters. The drug may help stimulate activity in one part of the brain, while alcohol helps depress brain activity in the opposite direction.

To conclude, an individual should swallow the drug with water as this promotes good health. This can be taken during food or after. No doctor has ever recommended taking the drug after drinking.

Provigil Interactions with Other Medications

The drug can interact with a wide variety of both prescription and over-the-counter medications. Modafinil interactions may change how a person’s medications work. It may lead to addiction and also increase the risk for severe side effects.

Modafinil interactions may speed up the removal of other medications from the body. This may eventually affect the mechanism of other drugs. Some products have ingredients that may lead to an increase in blood pressure and heart rate. Consumption of caffeine can increase the side effects of this medicine. To have good health one should avoid drinking beverages such as tea, colas, or coffee, taking nonprescription products with caffeine, and eating vast amounts of chocolate.

Different people have distinct withdrawal symptoms, especially in cases relating to drug reactions. In the case of Provigil, some interactions may be mild, while others may be major and severe. All of this differs in the patients taking the drug.

Modafinil and Kratom

The drugs Modafinil and Kratom have gained a reputation within the medical community for numerous health reasons.

Provigil is likened to a performance booster drug for high productivity. On the other hand, Kratom has a different story behind its use โ€” individuals who have used this drug state that the substance may help relieve anxiety and manage pain. Modafinil and Kratom both look like an odd combination. While one may help relax the body, the other energizes.

Provigil belongs to a class of medication called stimulants, while Kratom is tagged as a recreational drug. Some persons who mix both substances may experience seizures, it is still not known how these substances may cause seizure attacks. Until researchers verify the actual position of both drugs, individuals who use this medicine should avoid using Kratom.

Modafinil and Coffee

The drugs Modafinil and Coffee are not recommended to be mixed. Both substances are stimulants that give the same benefits to cognitive enhancement. While one belongs to a class of medication called caffeine, on the other hand, is referred to as a stimulant drug.

ย Both Substances Interact in the Following Ways:

  • Both substances improve the production of norepinephrine
  • An increase in wakefulness through different recovery mechanisms
  • Both substances have distinct pharmacokinetic properties that lead to numerous periods of enhanced cognition
Man is Suffering from Side Effects of the Drug

Individuals Will Eventually Experience at Least One of the Following Symptoms:

  • Headache
  • A dehydrated mouth and eyes
  • Anxiety
  • High blood pressure
  • The uncomfortable sensation of tightness in the chest
  • Rapid heartbeat

While the above interactions are unlikely to cause any harm or prove dangerous, an individual may feel unpleasant. How both substances achieve results is still unknown; therefore, people should avoid them.

Modafinil and Phenibut

Primarily known for treating narcolepsy and other sleep disorders, Provigil gained more popularity for its wakefulness function. It is regarded as a highly potent cognitive enhancer that helps boost the performance of workers and students. Phenibut, on the other hand, is used as a treatment for depression, anxiety and is used as a recreational medication for other reasons like having positive feelings.

While Provigil falls under the class of drugs called stimulants, Phenibut, on the other hand, is tagged as GABApentinoid. People use this medication for memory recovery, memory increase, cognitive performance, and sleep quality. A combination of both substances may have some adverse effects. It is vital to know the drugs that may negatively affect another medicine.

For individuals who intend on taking Modafinil and Phenibut, some adverse reactions may occur. These reactions, in most cases, are hard to avoid.

The following are some effects that may be incurred when a personย  Modafinil and Phenibut together.

They are:

  • Nausea
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Vomiting
  • Chills
  • Back Pain
  • Drowsiness
  • Anorexia

A combination of the above substances may lead to withdrawal symptoms in individuals.ย  If possible, it is better to avoid taking both substances to avoid any potential problem to the human system.

Modafinil and Wellbutrin

The substance is used for numerous purposes: as an off-label cognitive enhancer to increase workflow and as a prescription to manage sleep disorder cases. Wellbutrin, on the other hand, is a useful treatment for individuals battling depression.

Modafinil and Wellbutrin belong to different drug classes. One belongs to the stimulant drug class, which acts as a wake-promoting agent, while Wellbutrin belongs to the aminoketone drug class. The off-label use of this drug includes the treatment of cases involving depression, drowsiness, ADHD, and other purposes. In contrast, Wellbutrin is known to be a prescription for patients with depression and extreme depressive disorder.

Some may ask if Modafinil and Wellbutrin can be taken together. Keep in mind that some drug combinations may cause negative interactions which will affect a person’s health. Individuals should take precautions as both drugs can be used as a treatment to manage the same problem – depression.

According to Limited Research Carried by Some Experts, a Combination of Both Drugs Can Lead to Withdrawal Symptoms:

  • Hypertension
  • Seizure disorder
  • Cardiac disease
  • Headache
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Vision changes
  • Dizziness
Man is Suffering from Headaches

The combination of Provigil and Wellbutrin can pose a risk of the development of dependence. To play safe, avoid mixing both substances.

Modafinil and Xanax

Modafinil and Xanax, when taken together, would counteract one another. Both medicines work on different brain circuits and neurotransmitters. Provigil inhibits the reuptake of dopamine into the brain and is efficient for individuals with narcolepsy, sleep apnea, sleep work disorder, ADHD. Xanax, on the other hand, works in a distinct neurotransmitter and circuit. Its mechanism enhances the GABA neurotransmitter and affects the anxiety circuits that are mediated by the amygdala.

Provigil belongs to the class of drugs known as stimulants which have wake-promoting recovery benefits. Xanax belongs to the benzodiazepines group, which reduces abnormal excitement in the human brain. Xanax can be used as a treatment medication for patients with panic disorder. It is therefore stated that patients may experience undesired reactions if an individual takes Modafinil and Xanax.

The Effect of Mixing Provigil with Other Substances

Once a person begins mixing Provigil and alcohol, the individual may not imagine how dangerous the drug abuse may be. Combining both substances may lead to blackout and severe drinking especially for individuals with addiction problems. Both substances affect the human brain in opposite manners. While alcohol improves the neurotransmitter in the brain, the other substance does the direct opposite. It can be likened to a push-pull cycle of depression and stimulation with unpredictable results.

In conclusion, combining Provigil with Kratom, Coffee, Phenibut, Wellbutrin and Xanax, all have different effects on any patient who abuses these substances. The best option is to avoid mixing these medications as the effect may be drastic.

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Page Sources

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Published on: September 29th, 2021

Updated on: May 6th, 2024


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