AA Meetings in Arlington, Virginia
If your loved one is struggling with alcoholism it is only a matter of time before it becomes detrimental. Finding a suitable AA group where their needs can be met is a huge step in ensuring that the habit of alcohol abuse is broken just in time. Arlington AA meetings are the best ways to get your loved ones the help that they need. Whether itโs virtual AA meetings in Arlington VA, or a physical venue in a peer group with social support.
Here Is a List of Some of the Popular AA Groups:
A.I.T.G.L. BIG BOOK STUDY Alcoholics Anonymous
First Baptist Church Of Clarendon
1210 North Highland St, Arlington, Virginia, 22201 -
ACCEPTANCE Alcoholics Anonymous
Resurrection Luthern Church
6201 N. Washington Blvd, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
ACCEPTANCE Alcoholics Anonymous
Resurrection Luthern Church
6201 N. Washington Blvd, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
Arlington Hospital
1701 George Mason Drive, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
ACROSS THE BRIDGE Alcoholics Anonymous
St. George?s Methodist
915 N.Oakland St, Arlington, Virginia, 22203 -
ALUMNI Alcoholics Anonymous
Virginia Hospital Center
1701 N. George Mason Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
AMAZING GRACE Alcoholics Anonymous
Mt. Olivet Methodist Church
1500 N. Glebe Road, Arlington, Virginia, 22207 -
AMC COMMUTERS Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Metaphysical Chapel
5627 N. 8th Road, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
ANY LENGTHS Alcoholics Anonymous
Central United Methodist Ch
4201 N Fairfax Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22203 -
ANY LENGTHS Alcoholics Anonymous
Central United Methodist Ch
4201 N. Fairfax Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22203 -
ANY LENGTHS Alcoholics Anonymous
Central United Methodist Ch
4201 N Fairfax Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22203 -
ANY LENGTHS Alcoholics Anonymous
Central United Methodist Ch
4201 N Fairfax Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22203 -
Arlington Hospital
1701 N. George Mason Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
BALLSTON Alcoholics Anonymous
Mt Olivet Methodist Ch
1500 N Glebe Rd, Arlington, Virginia, 22207 -
BALLSTON Alcoholics Anonymous
Mt Olivet Methodist Ch
1500 N Glebe Rd, Arlington, Virginia, 22207 -
BALLSTON Alcoholics Anonymous
Mt Olivet Methodist Ch
1500 N Glebe Rd, Arlington, Virginia, 22207 -
BEVERLY HILLBILLYS Alcoholics Anonymous
Advent Lutheran Church
2222 S. Arlington Ridge Rd, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
2020 Jefferson-davis Hwy, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
2020 Jefferson-davis Hwy, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
2020 Jefferson-davis Hwy, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
CHAIN BRIDGE Alcoholics Anonymous
St Peters Episcopal Ch
4250 N Glebe rd, Arlington, Virginia, 22207 -
COLUMBIA PIKE Alcoholics Anonymous
Trinity Episcopal Church
2217 Columbia Pike Arlington, 22204, Arlington, Virginia, 22204 -
COLUMBIA PIKE Alcoholics Anonymous
Trinity Episcopal Church
2217 Columbia Pike Arlington, 22204, Arlington, Virginia, 22204 -
CRYSTAL CITY NOON Alcoholics Anonymous
Calvary Methodist Church
23rd and Grant Arlington, 22202, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
CRYSTAL CITY NOON Alcoholics Anonymous
Calvary Methodist Church
23rd and Grant Arlington, 22202, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
CRYSTAL CITY NOON Alcoholics Anonymous
Calvary Methodist Church
23rd and Grant Arlington, 22202, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
CRYSTAL CITY NOON Alcoholics Anonymous
Calvary Methodist Church
23rd and Grant Arlington, 22202, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
CRYSTAL CITY NOON Alcoholics Anonymous
Calvary Methodist Church
23rd and Grant Arlington, 22202, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
DEALERS CHOICE Alcoholics Anonymous
Resurrection Lutheran Church
6201 N Washington Blvd, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
FELLOWSHIP Alcoholics Anonymous
Cherrydale United Methodist
3701 Lorcom Lane, Arlington, Virginia, 22207 -
FIRST THINGS FIRST Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Hospital
1701 N. George Mason Drive, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
FUN TOO Alcoholics Anonymous
Trinity Presbyterian Church
16th Inglewood St, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
GREEN VALLEY Alcoholics Anonymous
Our Lady Queen Of Peace
2700 S 19th Street, Arlington, Virginia, 22204 -
HAPPY HARRY Alcoholics Anonymous
Phoenix House
506 Pollard St, Arlington, Virginia, 22203 -
HEARTS ALIVE Alcoholics Anonymous
St John?s Episcopal Church
415 S Lexington Street, Arlington, Virginia, 22204 -
HIGH HOPES Alcoholics Anonymous
Resurrection Lutheran Church
6201 N Washington Blvd, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
Clarendon United Methodist Ch
606 N. Irving St, Arlington, Virginia, 22201 -
LAMBDA Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Unitarian Church
4444 Arlington Blvd, Arlington, Virginia, 22204 -
MOM_S GROUP Alcoholics Anonymous
Advent Lutheran Church
2222 S. Arlington Ridge Rd, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
MON. AFTERNOON WOMEN_S STEP Alcoholics Anonymous
Advent Lutheran Church
2222 S. Arlington Ridge Rd, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
NEW LIFE Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Hospital
1701 N. George Mason Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
OUT TO LUNCH Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Forest Un. Meth. Church
4701 Arlington Blvd, Arlington, Virginia, 22203 -
ROSSLYN NOON Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Temple Community Ctr
At Ft Meyer Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22209 -
ROSSLYN NOON Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Temple Community Ctr
At Ft Meyer Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22209 -
ROSSLYN NOON Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Temple Community Ctr
At Ft Meyer Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22209 -
ROSSLYN NOON Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Temple Community Ctr
At Ft Meyer Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22209 -
ROSSLYN NOON Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Temple Community Ctr
At Ft Meyer Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22209 -
St. Ann?s Catholic
N. Frederick N. 10th Street, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
SATURDAY NIGHT LIFE Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Hospital
1701 N. George Mason Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
SERENDIPITY Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Temple Church
1835 N Nash St, Arlington, Virginia, 22209 -
SOUTH ARLINGTON Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Baptist Church
718 S. Monroe Street, Arlington, Virginia, 22204 -
STONE HOUSE Alcoholics Anonymous
Trinity Presbyterian Church
16th and N. Inglewood Arlington, 22205, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
THE CAMEL Alcoholics Anonymous
St. Mary?s Episcopal Church
2609 N. Glebe Rd, Arlington, Virginia, 22207 -
THE FIRST TRADITION Alcoholics Anonymous
Central Methodist Church
4201 N Fairfax Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22213 -
THURSDAY WOMEN_S BIG BOOK Alcoholics Anonymous
Advent Lutheran Church
2222 S. Arlington Ridge Rd, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
TOOLS FOR SOBRIETY TOO Alcoholics Anonymous
Advent Lutheran Church
2222 S. Arlington Ridge Rd, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
TURNING POINT Alcoholics Anonymous
Our Lady Of Lourdes Church
830 S 23rd St, Arlington, Virginia, 22202 -
UP FROM DOWN Alcoholics Anonymous
Arlington Unitarian Church
4444 Arlington Blvd, Arlington, Virginia, 22204 -
WESTOVER Alcoholics Anonymous
Westover Baptist Ch
1125 N Patrick Henry Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
WESTOVER Alcoholics Anonymous
Westover Baptist Ch
1125 N Patrick Henry Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
WHAT Alcoholics Anonymous
Trinity Presbyterian Ch
16th and N Inglewood Arlington, 22205, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
WOMEN?S ROOM Alcoholics Anonymous
Womens Home
1628 Geo Mason Dr, Arlington, Virginia, 22205 -
Bring Your Own Coffee Arlington
606 North Irving Street, Arlington, VA, 22201
https://www.google.com/maps/place/606+North+Irving+Street+Arlington+VA+22201 -
Green Valley Recovery
2700 19th Street South, Arlington, VA, 22201
https://www.google.com/maps/place/2700+19th+Street+South+Arlington+VA+22201 -
Puzzle Palace Group
2 North Rotary Road, Arlington, VA, 22201
https://www.google.com/maps/place/2+North+Rotary+Road+Arlington+VA+22201 -
Saturday Night Candle Light
5312 10th Street North, Arlington, VA, 22201
https://www.google.com/maps/place/5312+10th+Street+North+Arlington+VA+22201 -
TBD Group Arlington
1910 North Randolph Street, Arlington, VA, 22201
https://www.google.com/maps/place/1910+North+Randolph+Street+Arlington+VA+22201 -
Turning Point Group Arlington
800 23rd Street South, Arlington, VA, 22201
Please note that AA meeting locations and schedules tend to change often and quickly. Please always check these times to be accurate. If you have new information about an AA meeting, please inform us at [email protected]
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Arlington Virginia, AA meetings Overview
How serious is alcoholism in Arlington, Virginia? On average, about 15.7% of high school students indulge in binge drinking. There is a high prevalence of alcohol abuse in schools, colleges, and even in the military service. One of the heaviest alcohol uses was recorded among military personnel between the age of 18 to 25 years old. These hazardous habits contribute to inappropriate behaviors and accidents.ย AA meetings Arlington VA provides the opportunity for alcohol-dependent users to get help for their addiction. The beauty of AA is that anyone with the desire to stop drinking, regardless of race, gender, religion, social status, profession, income, sexual orientation, and other characteristics, is welcome. AA Arlington VA groups such as Acceptance AA, Across the Bridge AA, and Amazing Grace AA.
How Do Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Arlington Virginia Look?
Curious about what an AA Arlington group might look and feel like? An Alcoholics Anonymous group is a peer assembly where individuals who have an alcohol addiction gather for a period of time (an hour on average) to discuss and share their experience with alcohol addiction. The group typically offers support, strength, hope, and a better way to approach life without the need to use alcohol. Stories of sobriety are shared and people improve their approach to sobriety by listening to the life journeys of others.
Alcohol addiction is a mental challenge and has a strong effect on the mind, soul, and body. Therefore there are different types of meetings depending on what your current level is on your journey. Those who are relatively new to AA may start at the beginner meetings to understand the fundamentals of the practice and how AA generally benefits a person. To listen to other peopleโs experiences on their own lifeโs journey, the speaker meeting is perfect.ย Those that have completed their 12 step program and have moved on to the traditions of AA are well-positioned for AA traditions meetings.
Open meetings are available to people outside the community and not just those with alcohol additions. These meetings are open to friends, relatives, loved ones, and anybody else that wants to attend.
Gender meetings are available to those that prefer a single-gender group, to enable the discussion of gender-sensitive matters. There is always a meeting suited to the needs of everyone. One can take out the time to explore all groups to find the most suitable one.
Getting the Most From an AA Meeting in Arlington Virginia
Many Individuals go to AA meetings with a misconception about its goals and aims. They, therefore, are unable to get the absolute best that these meetings have to offer. The key to a healthy start is by attending with an open mind and being ready to learn. There is no case that is hopeless, hence, it is pertinent to have complete faith in the program. Recovery begins in the mind, so one must be prepared to accept certain elevated thought processes designed to give the individual power over their cravings. Also, the person in question must be ready to fully participate, be punctual, ask questions for clarity and be extensively involved in the program in order to benefit from every stage.
Does Your Loved One Need Help AA Groups Cannot Provide? Find Alcohol Rehab Centers in Arlington Virginia
Getting help for alcoholism should be done in stages. Those that have a critical dependency to alcohol must first be enrolled in a rehabilitation facility for treatment before being assigned to an AA meeting as an aftercare support program. Our free helpline is available 24/7 to provide you with counsel on which rehab facility suits your loved one the most.
For people seeking inpatient or outpatient treatment options rehab centers in Virginia are also available.
Page Sources
- Ames, G., & Cunradi, C. (2004). Alcohol use and preventing alcohol-related problems among young adults in the military. Alcohol Research & Health, 28(4), 252. https://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/arh284/252-257.htm
- Healthier Arlington, Teens who Binge Drink: High School Students https://www.healthierarlington.org/indicators/index/view?indicatorId=467&localeId=2878
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